Download free seasonal zines!
I produced this seasonal mini-zine series with artist and herbalist Rebecca Minifie. Each zine in the series captures essential natural experiences of the season, helping you to stay aware and mindful. Think of it as a seasonal scavenger hunt and notice when you encounter each one (or seek them out!).
You can download PDF files of all of the zines FREE here to print and fold yourself. (Directions for how to fold!)
P.S. Sign up for my newsletter to receive emails about future projects!
Autumn Awe-bservation Starter Kit!
The first zine in the seasonal series, published in Fall of 2021.
Winter Wonders
So much coziness in this quiet season! Winter 2021-2022
Signs of Spring
Blooming things everywhere! Spring 2022
Savor the Summer
The final installment in the mini-zine series, published in summer 2022.